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Auto Theft in Vancouver:
Time, Transit, and Zoning
Below is the list of data that was used for the creation of this project, along with the sources from which they were taken.
Bus Routes 09 March 2010 - UBC Department of Geography G: Drive
This layer was used for display purposes and initial exploration of the transit data within this study.
Bus Stops 09 March 2010 - UBC Department of Geography G: Drive
This layer was used to determine the distance that auto theft occurs away from bus stops in Vancouver.
City Boundary - City of Vancouver
This layer acted as the study area and was used to clip other feature such that they would be confined to the study area.
Crime 2010 (Auto Theft over $5,000 was used for this project)- City of Vancouver
The class, auto theft over $5,000, was used to determine the time and general address location of auto thefts in Vancouver.
GVRDwat06 - DMTI via UBC Department of Geography G: Drive
This layer was used to restrict other data layers from expanding into the ocean area within the city boundary.
Zoning Districts and labels - City of Vancouver
This layer was used to identify the location of the zoning districts in Vancouver.
BCrte_clip - DMTI via UBC Department of Geography G: Drive
This layer was used to create the road network for Vancouver so that an address locator could be used to determine the location of auto thefts.
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